TMS Site Map
TMS How to...
Grade Sheet
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The TMS web page displays with a series of tabs across the top. These
tabs can be selected to traverse the web site. Note that some tabs may not
appear depending on your access level.

- Home - Displays the C-17 Portal main page
- GradeSheet - Displays the Student View or Schedule View of the
gradesheet (based on user preferences and rights)
- Reports - Provides access to the standard TMS reports that you have
permission to access
- Load Performance - Allows performance information from taking CBTs
distributed on a CD to be uploaded to the TMS.
- Messages - Opens the message/announcement display for reviewing messages
you have received and, with the necessary permissions, to send messages.
- Training Review - Opens the review options page to define training
review criteria to allow a fast review of training records.
- Checklists - Selecting this option displays the Checklist Administration
page where Mission Ready Training checklists can be defined, assigned to
individuals, and inquiries run to see who needs an event.
Click on the More Info links on the left for further help on these areas.